EMAIL ME FOR ANY SPECIFIC MOVIES or CONCERT Requests. If you buy more than one, shipping is combined. I have MANY other FRAMED Ads, Handbills, and Pictures from Music and Movies.

It is ready to hang on your wall! The Poster is a new print and in Mint condition. The Frame is not a typical cheap black frame that is so prevalent on ebay for framed music memorabilia. These Music posters are rare and hard to find framed. Alice in Chains Album Cover Art "Facelift" through "Black Gives Way to Blue" Print A Beautiful Poster in a glass frame. It is ready to hang on your wall! var urlAddress = arch var frame = urlAddress.indexOf("ItemDescV4") if(frame -1) var flashcode=' ' document.write(flashcode) Here is a rare Alice in Chains Album Art 1990-2009 mini-poster Reprint approx 8" by 10" in a black, glass-fronted frame measuring 14" by 16.5".

Alice in Chains Album Cover Art "Facelift" through "Black Gives Way to Blue" Print. Item: 223483096481 Framed Alice in Chains 1990-2009 Cover Art Dirt, Jar of Flies Poster 14" by 17".